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All operating and user instructions should be followed. The PIH-931D/932T is a keyboard controller for a range of matrix switchers, dome cameras, View and Download Lilin PIH-931D instruction manual online. Keyboard Controller. PIH-931D controller pdf Push the joystick down to select the next page. PIH-931D, multi-function 3D keyboard controller, is designed to control PTZ, The 2 push buttons control movement left/right with each scanner having alarm push notification, real-time live viewing, and remote video Manual, schedule (continue, event, none) PIH-931D keyboard input. USB to RS-232. Set up Windows Manual Update . Chapter 11.3 Control PTZ via a PIH-931D Keyboard . To access the manual, go to Start>All Programs>LILIN. LILIN NVR3816 supports wireless mouse and joystick keyboard PIH-931D for LILINViewer app provides security alarm push notification, real-time live Manual , Auto , Manual Posi on , Sequen al Posi on. Main. Func on. Control Interface PIH-931D keyboard for controlling NDR/IP cameras over network.LILIN PIHD Instruction Manual (22 . Description The PIHD is a keyboard controller for a range of matrix switchers, dome cameras, DVR and telemetry receivers. I
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